Wednesday, April 8, 2009

our life

our house: big water tank up front where we collect rain water:

the zebra roundabout, downtown Mugumu:
(since then, the head of the zebra has been shot off by a group of bandits who came into town with a stolen car, robbed a gas station and escaped by shooting bullets into the air so the police would know where NOT to go)

no this is not from our front porch.
but we will take anyone who visits us when we are in nairobi to this place:
aaron was the in oven here (just had to explain that bump)

the center of attention:
at a church fundraiser


Val Rutt said...

Hello - I stumbled upon your blog and was so happy to discover it and hear a bit about your life in Mugumu. I went to Tanzania a few years ago - I am a writer and I set a story in TZ so needed to see for myself. It was a brief visit - we stayed in the village of Buigiri near Dodoma - but I think about it often and hope to go back one day. Good luck with everything, it's a wonderful job that you are doing.

Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

Carla and Kurt,
Thanks so much for sharing the every-day stuff - I love seeing what your lives are like... can I come visit you someday!?

Anonymous said...

wonderful, wonderful pictures!!!! I especially love the one of Ben at the church fundraiser.
How is his foot, Lucky for him he has a burn unit nurse for a mama. What else can we be praying for?