Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, I'm sitting in the hospital compound enjoying the luxury of wireless internet. Had a big meeting here at the office of the District Medical Officer, talking about Home-based care needs for the entire Serengeti District. Hopefully we can work together to provide some care to areas that aren't receiving anything.

We have had a long 2 1/2 month stint in Mugumu with just a couple weekends at the nearest town/cities - Musoma and Mwanza. Tomorrow we are driving up to Nairobi for dr's appointments and to pick up some computers. We should get there in about 10 hours if we aren't delayed at the border and have no problems on the road. Now that the situation in Kenya is settling down we feel it should be fine to pass through some areas where there had been conflict. We are ready for a bit of a break and to see family. After Nairobi we will go to Arusha, then the TZ coast for MCC retreat. We are really looking forward to it. As we settle into life and work, we get busier and busier and we need some time to deflate.

These pictures didn't make it last time so I thought I'd try again, if anyone has advice on how to post pictures quickly PLEASE feel free to enlighten me! I'm really hoping to give a more detailed account of our day-to-day life here, probably in Nairobi where internet is fast and where babysitters are abundant!

Here are the pics...

Five months pregnant (last month), making bagels, this is our kitchen:

And a fish dinner that started with this :

And turned out like this:

It was pretty good!


Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

Congratulations! Glad you're feeling better, Carla! We're happy for you guys. Say hi to all in Nairobi for us!

Jen said...

You are beautiful! I have enjoyed "catching up" with you guys are on your blog. You are in my prayers. Would love to see you some time!